Enjoyable Job = 1. No bad + 2. Good
/By Duncan Anderson. To see all blogs click here.
Reading time: 3 mins
“Success without fulfilment is the ultimate failure” - Tony Robbins
Success = often defined as financial success
Fulfilment = often defined as having meaning
“Success with fulfilment that is done unenjoyably is a tragedy.” - DA
For myself: Job Enjoyability = Enough money (no money will make you sad, lots of money won’t make you happy) + Meaning + No deficiency Areas + All growth needs met :).
Deficiency Areas vs Growth Needs
We can talk about 3x main groupings of happiness:
Neutral (ie not happy, but not unhappy either)
Some things are adding upside ie. making happies.
Some things are removing downside ie. eliminating unhappies.
Removing downside usually sets you back to neutral.
Deficiency area = if present you will be unhappy. However if not present you will neutral ie not unhappy or happy
Growth needs = if not present you will be neutral ie not unhappy or happy
Enjoyable job = 1. No deficiency areas + 2. Growth needs met
Unenjoyable job = 1. Some deficiency areas + 2. Growth needs met
Unenjoyable job = 1. No deficiency areas + 2. Growth needs not met
Enjoyable job = 1. No deficiency areas + 2. Growth needs met
Jingle: I don’t just want a job that is good. I want one that isn’t bad either ;)!
Details of Deficiency Areas & Growth Needs
Deficiency Areas
Financial stress = eg is the business viable or eg have you bitten off too much personal debt.
Time pressure = constant worry about being behind where you should be
Key person risk = if you lose one person do you eg not get the project done on time?
Draining people = working with draining people is the pits
Growth Needs
Meaning = a connection to how what you are doing is making the world better
Energising (ideally inspiring) people
Self actualisation = you have the space to level yourself up and apply these new abilities in your work. Some jobs have very set boundaries of what you can and can’t do.
Transcendence = you directly helping others self actualise.
Transcendence is helping people you physically work with vs Meaning is helping humanity at large.
For myself: Job Enjoyability = Enough money (no money will make you say, lots of money won’t make you happy) + Meaning + No deficiency Areas + All growth needs met :).
Rearticulation: Good job = Success (enough money) + Fulfilment (meaning) + you enjoy it (no deficiency areas + growth needs met)
You make progress in the areas you consciously try to make progress in - AKA hope is not a strategy
I’m not hoping to have a good job. I’m systematically trying to build a great job for myself and others. I... hope that each year I systematically get better at this.
22 year old Duncan’s job strategy was “work hard and stick your hand up for all opportunity”.
Slowly I’ve been able to understand more about myself and the world and develop frameworks through which I can figure out what areas to focus on.
When I’ve realised that ‘Key Person Risk’ is stopping me from enjoying then I’ve been able to systematically address it.
In the early days of Edrolo 7 years ago I was all ‘focus on progress for the business’. Now I have some of my focus on ‘transcendence (aka assisting others to self actualise). It gives me such joy.
Sometimes you might be in a situation where Deficiency Areas are not a choice.
Eg. if you start a new business that you’ve put all your personal capital into, you will of course have financial stress for at least the initial stage
So in some cases, the Deficiency Area is part and parcel of a job for a period, and you accept this, and do what you can to shift this.
Corporate jobs prior to Edrolo
Firstly I’m grateful for all opportunities that have been afforded to me.
If I look back I’d say that I had ‘little to no’ Deficiency Areas but also ‘little to no’ Growth Needs met.
I got bored very quickly.
I’d say that for 7.5 years I’ve had Definiciny Areas at medium+
But also that I’ve had Growth Needs at medium+
Edrolo has been life with the volume at 200%. Never a boring moment... but also rarely a calm moment :(.
IMO my Growth Needs are more than met... but also I have Deficiency Areas galore! I'd like to bask in a warm glow from Edrolo, not get burned from being too close to the fire.
IMO the core focus for me at Edrolo is getting Deficiency Areas to be <small on average. IMO it’s fine to have a Deficiency area at Medium / Large every now and then, not ideal to have one or more Deficiency Areas are Medium / Large for 7 years in a row!
If you only take away one thing:
You want financial success with fulfilment done enjoyably :).
OR you want no Deficiency Areas plus Growth Needs met.
It doesn’t matter how many dealmakers (Growth Needs) a job has, just one dealbreaker (Deficiency Area) can make it unenjoyable :(.
Addendum: this is an adaptation of Maslow’s Hierarchy Of Needs